by | For Men, For Warriors
Where to get support for mental health There is no one type of support that is best for everyone, and different things work for different people at different times. It is OK to stop a type of support if it is not working for you. Read the full article here...
by | For Men, For Warriors
How cancer can make you feel After a diagnosis of cancer, you might have a range of feelings including fear, sadness, anxiety and depression. These are normal responses to a stressful life experience. Read the full article here...
by | For Her Tribe
Mental health when caring for someone with cancer Caring for the needs of someone with cancer can be a satisfying and positive thing. It can bring loved ones or carers closer to the person with cancer and strengthen the bond between people. For many people caring...
by | For Men, For Warriors
Mental health during and after cancer treatment It is common to struggle with your mental health when you have cancer. This can happen at diagnosis, during treatment or once treatment has finished. Read the full article here...
by | For Men, For Warriors
Mental health when you are diagnosed with cancer (Quick Guide) Feeling overwhelmed and out of control is common when you are first diagnosed with cancer. But there is support available and things you can do. Read the full article here...